Mount Gambier Children’s Centre is a welcoming and inclusive centre offering integrated service provision for children and families including preschool, occasional care, playgroup, speech pathology, parenting programs and community development. We are co-located with Mulga Street Primary School and our support services extend out to the wider community, including the Melaleuca Hub. We provide a nurturing space for children and families to learn, connect and thrive. Our nature inspired and flexible learning spaces stimulate curiosity, a sense of wonder, exploration, growth, creativity and critical thinking.
We value each child and family and work to compliment families in the care and education of their children as together we nurture the next generation of respectful, caring and capable leaders and community members. We are dedicated to listening to families and welcome families’ active involvement in decision making and future directions of the Centre. We acknowledge the strong connection that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have with the land and our local community and we strive to reflect and actively support this

We value being: